The Seagull Is Dead By Roadkill

I was close by a seagull maritime area with boats when a seagull bird died as a result of someone carelessly running the seagull over with their car. I debated whether or not to try to care for this animal myself as it looked like it was gasping for air and water and I thought I could help by trying to contact animal control but that didn't work either. So I walked away down the seagull coastline and when I came back he was dead.

I was close by a seagull maritime area with boats when a seagull bird died as a result of someone carelessly running the seagull over with their car. I debated whether or not to try to care for this animal myself as it looked like it was gasping for air and water and I thought I could help by trying to contact animal control but that didn't work either. So I walked away down the seagull coastline and when I came back he was dead.

I was walking home from the grocery store and the laundromat when I just happened to see a beautiful brown and white seagull. The seagull had been run over by a car and someone just hit it and kept going. I saw it lying on its side gasping for air and I just could not turn away.

It was alive and I wanted to help it stay that way so I dialed 911. 911 What's your emergency? Well I don't have an emergency a seagull got run over by a car and I need the number to animal control and I just didn't know who to call. Okay here's the number. So I called Animal Control and they said that they couldn't come to get the animal because it was after 4 p.m. on a Friday and that not even the state Animal Control would come and get it. I walked away a few steps but just couldn't get too far because he was lying on his side gasping for air and blinking a lot.

So at that point I had a decision to make: should I risk picking up the seagull with a plastic garbage bag and taking him home and trying to take care of him myself and possibly get in trouble with wildlife control for doing so or just let him die. I decided to risk it and opened up a plastic bag with which to pick him up. As soon as I walked back to the seagull to pick him up I realized he was dead. So during the time I walked 10 feet away from him he died in that instant. He probably would have had a wingspan of about three to five feet. He was large and beautiful and now he is gone.


Seagull, sea, seagulls, bird, birds, road kill, ran over, ran over with a car, run over, run over with a car, avian, dead bird, dead birds, dead seagull, dead seagulls, 911, angelbean, run over by a car, small dead animals, killer on the road, funny t shirts, retro t shirts, cool t shirts, road kills, offensive tee shirts, retro tee shirts, movie t shirts, retro t shirts, t shirts uk, crazy tee shirts, crazy t shirts, snorg tees, gamer t shirts, novelty tees Registered & Protected

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gull: mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs...The Seagull (Чайка, Chayka) is the first of what are generally considered to be the four major plays by the Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov. The Seagull was written in 1895 and first produced in 1896. ... Gulls (often informally called seagulls) are birds in the family Laridae. They are most closely related to the terns (family Sternidae) and only distantly related to auks, skimmers, and more distantly to the waders. ... Seagull is a Canadian company and sub-brand of Godin Guitars that produces acoustic guitars. Born out of La Patrie, a small village in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, this company hand crafts acoustic guitars targeted towards working musicians. ... sea-gull - Variant of seagull...seagulls - Please do not feed the Seagulls. They can be cause nasty injuries and mess

The Seagull Is Dead By Roadkill

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